

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Funny, he doesn't look a day over 12,000!

On a cold night in a remote cabin, college professor John Oldman (David Lee Smith of “CSI Miami”) gathers his colleagues to announce that he is an immortal who has migrated through 14 centuries of evolution, and must now move on (once again) to create a new identity before it's noticed he doesn't age past 35. Is Oldman (Old man! Get it?) really a stone age man or simply a man with rocks in the head? Either way, his revelation makes tempers flare and emotions flow among these scientists and scholars in anthropology, biology, religion and philosophy, forcing them to confront their own notions of history, religion and humanity. The well written screenplay is by the late sci-fi author Jerome Bixby, who years earlier had written for “The Twilight Zone” and “Star Trek.” This was his final work. If you don’t like talk, talk and almost nothing but talk in your movies, skip MAN FROM EARTH. But I found it engaging and thought-provoking.

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